The LLEMR Conspiracy
Justin R. Porter
Justin is an M.D./Ph.D. student at Washington University in St. Louis and the original author of LLEMR. His Ph.D. is in Computational and Systems biology and his thesis work was on the conformational dynamics of cryptic allosteric sites and myosin motors. His other academic interests include machine learning and quality improvement. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, photography, and running.
Will Wick
Will is pursing a B.S./M.S. in Computer Science at Washington University in St. Louis. He has been the primary maintainer on LLEMR for the last two years and oversaw its deployment at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. A Seattle native, he interned as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon in summer 2021. His hobbies include hiking and board games.
Minerva Zhou
Minerva is a Diagnostic Radiology resident at University of California-San Francisco and was the third-generation Tech Tsarina of LLEMR. Her academic interests currently are figuring out what's going on in residency. She loves cats and the color pink. When not working, she likes watching anime and Chinese fantasy dramas.
Eshwar Kishore
Eshwar is an M.D. student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Medicine and executive director of the student-run
Sojourner Health Clinic
. He led the deployment of LLEMR to its second site at the Sojourner Health Clinic and was a main designer of several features implemented for use at UMKC, including drug inventory, laboratory test charting, and quality improvement dashboard. He has also assisted other free clinics in navigating the process of launching LLEMR.
Eric Sallinger
Eric is a medical student at the University of Colorado Anschutz. His interest in the intersection of digital technology and medicine is what first led him to work on LLEMR. Contributing to the software has been a rewarding experience that has helped him improve his understanding of team-based software development, and the challenges surrounding clinical EMRs. In his free time Eric enjoys cooking, paying piano, and hiking.